Why should writing be made compulsory in classrooms?

Education is not about giving ready-made answers, but about fostering an active intelligence in the students so that they can read, reflect, and write on their own.

Today the world is largely technologically driven and education is not left behind. However, a flip side to this is that kids aren’t given many opportunities to think about a topic, practice and improve their ability to write. In many classrooms, students are given ready-made answers. This works as a time-saving technique to complete the curriculum in the give time-frame; however, it mars the learners’ confidence and creativity in the long-run.

To learn something is to seek out answers by imagining, wondering and reflecting upon it, not simply by devouring the information that is so easily accessible. While developing great writing skills requires lots of time and patience, it is so incredibly important that it is worth taking effort.

Here are some reasons why students must be encouraged to write on their own every day in the classroom:

Practical Purpose: Many assignments and exams require students to write short answers or longer essays as a way of assessing what they have learned. Many colleges and universities require students to write essays as part of their admissions application. The students who are made to read, reflect, and write right from an early age find these tasks fun and easy. On the other hand, for students who aren’t given enough writing opportunities as young learners, such tasks are no less than going through an ordeal.

Communication: Writing is the best way of learning how to articulate thoughts clearly. When you are writing something down, you become more careful in choosing the right words. No matter what the age or grade level of the students is, if they are made to practice writing diligently, it boosts their ability to express their thoughts and feelings effectively. Enough writing practice ensures that the beautifully put together sentences with well-chosen words find their way into verbal speech. Thus writing assignments improve written as well as oral communication.

Therapeutic: Writing is a fantastic way to give an outlet to the feelings and emotions that often remain unexpressed. Free writing is an incredibly effective way to clean the clutter of negative emotions (grievances, doubts) from our mind and develop an overall sense of well-being.

Creativity, Critical Thinking & Exploration: When students are challenged with creative writing topics, their imagination is set on fire. They begin to delve deeper into the subject and explore the different possibilities. The creative juices in their minds begin to flow and they begin to think through their fingers.

Classroom writing can help students understand and make sense of their own experiences, sometimes making surprising discoveries about their own thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Writing is not the just an act of writing; it’s a journey to self-discovery.

- Megha Vaishnav

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